Meta Launching Threads in EU, Microsoft Announce Deep Search, and Google Add Right To Be Forgotten.

December 8, 2023 Posted by Sean Walsh News 0 thoughts on “Meta Launching Threads in EU, Microsoft Announce Deep Search, and Google Add Right To Be Forgotten.”
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Sean Walsh
Director at Intelligency

Sean is a Director at Intelligency heading up our digital marketing and client services operations. Sean has 15+ years experiencing working both in-house and agency with brands including Lloyds, Alstom, Hitachi, Lufthansa, Viaplay, DFDS Seaways and Mercedes-Benz.

Good Afternoon, and welcome to the Friday Digital Roundup.

In today’s exciting roundup of digital marketing updates, we’re diving into Meta’s ambitious expansion into the EU with Threads, followed by Bing’s unveiling of the Deep Search feature, and wrapping up with Google’s significant move in privacy with the “right to be forgotten” ruling.

Let’s delve into these stories and uncover what they mean for the digital world.

Meta’s Big Move: Launching Threads in the EU

Meta is gearing up to introduce Threads in the European Union (EU) by the end of 2023.

This strategic move follows major advertisers like Disney, Paramount, and Sony Pictures withdrawing from Elon Musk’s platform. These companies reacted to Musk endorsing an antisemitic conspiracy theory.

Impact on Marketing Strategies

While Threads currently doesn’t feature ads, there’s ample opportunity for brands. They can expand their audience via influencer collaborations. It’s important to remember that advertising on Threads is expected soon. These ads are predicted to play a major role in the app’s revenue.

Navigating EU Regulations

Threads initially didn’t launch in EU countries due to stringent privacy laws. To align with these regulations, Meta redesigned Threads. Now, users can enjoy the app without needing a profile. However, creating a profile is essential for those wanting to post content, as the Wall Street Journal reported.

Enhanced User Control

Adam Mosseri, Instagram’s chief, announced a user-friendly update. Threads users can now delete their Threads profile without affecting their Instagram account.

A Growing User Base

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg shares impressive numbers. Threads boasts nearly 200 million monthly active users. He anticipates this number to reach a billion in the coming years. With its EU debut, Threads could attract an additional 40 million users monthly, predicts tech analyst Aho Williamson.

Microsoft Unveils Deep Search: A Game-Changer for Complex Queries

Microsoft revealed a groundbreaking AI feature this week called Deep Search. It’s an advanced tool designed to assist users with intricate questions lacking straightforward answers.

How it works

Deep Search enhances Bing’s existing framework, leveraging its web index and ranking system. It incorporates GPT-4’s intelligence to understand a query’s multiple intents and nuances. The system then generates detailed descriptions, crafting an “ideal set of results.”

Deep Search goes beyond typical search techniques. It unveils results that usually don’t reach the top of regular search outcomes.

Expanding search horizons

Microsoft demonstrated Deep Search’s capabilities with an example. When someone searches for “how do points systems work in Japan,” Deep Search identifies related search terms. These include:

  • loyalty card programs in Japan
  • best loyalty cards for travellers in Japan
  • comparison of Loyalty programs by category in Japan
  • redeeming loyalty cards in Japan
  • managing loyalty points with phone apps

An enhanced Search Experience

“Deep Search delves deeper than regular Bing searches,” Microsoft explained. While standard Bing searches analyze millions of web pages, Deep Search examines ten times more. This intensive search process uncovers more informative and specific results, even if they don’t contain the original search keywords.

Ranking Factors in Deep Search

Deep Search emphasises the relevance of web pages to Bing’s expanded descriptions. Key factors influencing ranking include:

  • The precision of topic matching.
  • Adequate detail level in content.
  • Source credibility and trustworthiness.
  • Content freshness.
  • Page popularity.

Deep Search isn’t as swift as regular Bing searches. According to Microsoft, it might take up to 30 seconds for Deep Search to yield results. This longer wait time raises concerns about user patience and adoption.

For now, Deep Search is in its testing phase. Only select small groups of Bing users globally will encounter this feature, as Microsoft revealed in a blog post.

The Significance for Users and SEO

This AI-driven feature on Bing’s Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) might divert clicks from organic listings. The impact on user behaviour and SEO is yet to be fully understood. Deep Search aims to help users complete tasks more efficiently, especially for queries with unclear intent.

Microsoft designed Deep Search to provide “more relevant and comprehensive answers to complex search queries.” It’s not intended for every user or query. Instead, it’s an enhancement, offering a more in-depth and richer web exploration option, complementing Bing’s existing web search capabilities.

EU’s Landmark Privacy Decision: The Right to Be Forgotten

The European Union Court of Justice made a groundbreaking decision last week, granting EU citizens the “right to be forgotten.” This ruling allows individuals to request Google to remove links that are outdated, irrelevant, or excessive.

Following this decision, Google has launched an online form. This platform enables users to request the removal of personal data links from Google’s search results.

The Submission Process Explained

To submit a removal request, users need to provide specific details to Google:

  • URLs of the links to be removed.
  • An explanation of how these links relate to the individual.
  • Personal identification information, including name, contact email, and a photo ID scan.

Google commits to thoroughly assessing each request. They aim to strike a balance between an individual’s privacy rights and the public’s right to information. A committee of experts will review submissions to prevent misuse of this right, particularly by those seeking to erase their questionable pasts.

Criteria for Assessment

During evaluations, Google will weigh the public interest in the information. This includes cases involving financial scams, professional misconduct, criminal records, or the public actions of government officials.

The Impact of Approval

If Google approves a removal request, the relevant links will disappear from search results on all EU Google sites.

Google acknowledges that this online form and process will undergo refinements over time, adapting to the needs and challenges of this new privacy landscape.

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